Thursday, November 3, 2011


I know everyone in this profession will agree that you can't make everyone happy all the time, though we do try really hard.  But unfortunately the squeaky wheel often gets the grease.  How do you balance the complainers who want everything to be for them, and the needs of the other 100+ people in your facility and still make things "person centered?"  That is the question.  It is one of the issues I am constantly struggling with.  How do others handle it?

1 comment:

  1. I try to explain why I will not be using their idea in a logical why.... for example, "you should show more classic movies" is usually answered with "I know that you like those, but there are others who want to see only the newer movies, so I show one classic, one current, one musical and one that is neither of those categories." Or, "you should buy tickets for XYZ" when I don't think there is enough interest, I explain what else is planned for that month and that if I don't sell the tickets that I lose that money from my budget and then I can't do other things with my money. I'm not saying that it works all the time! And sometimes I give into the squeaky wheel so that I'm not considered "heartless," but usually just knowing, like you said that I won't make everyone happy all the time is how I Let my self off the hook, if that makes sense. - Martha from


Where do you work?